12 June 2014

It's a Shaky World

14 Sivan 5774

There is a lot of instability in the world and it's only getting worse. We see it in nature, in politics and in relationships.  

In recent news...

It's been reported that all the gains in Iraq have been lost and that two major cities there have been retaken by Sunni Islamists.

Washington Watches As Iraq Speeds Toward Disaster...

'Mass beheadings' by al-Qaeda forces in Mosul and Tikrit...

Government on brink of collapse...

Refugees flee tide of terror...

Turkey calls for emergency NATO meeting...

Militants Sweeping Toward Baghdad...

Embassy Prepares for Possible Evacuation...

The instability in Ukraine still threatens to escalate into a major showdown between the superpowers.

Russia is Doing It - Russia is Actually Abandoning the Dollar

Russian Bombers Fly Within 50 Miles of California Coast...

Solar activity seems to reflect the growing agitation on earth as three X-class solar flares explode from the sun.

Solar Flares Disrupt Communications on Earth...

Could Send Shockwave on Friday the 13th...


Pirkei Avot tells us that the world stands on three pillars: Torah, the service of God and acts of kindness. These three can also be summed up this way: Teshuvah, Tefillah and Tzedakah.

If the world is shaking, it's because these three pillars have been eroded to the point of collapse. Each of us must do our part to bring stability back to the world by strengthening these three within our own sphere of influence. 

So, when you choose to listen to a Torah shiur instead of watching a TV show; when you choose to daven to Hashem about your problems instead of speaking lashon hara to your best friend; and when you do something as mundane as giving up your seat to an older person on the bus or helping a young mother with her stroller - remember that you are holding up the whole world. 


  1. Don't be so upset about these world events. On the contrary, be happy.
    It's a sign that the Moshiach is on his way.

  2. You inspire us to do what is Right... and not what seems right in our own eyes...

    Thank you... YOU are holding up the world with bringing the Light to the Truth... Thank you...

  3. Interesting set of dots we have to connect lately, I would say.
